Wednesday, April 17, 2013

 Maya HotkeysThe list below serves as a reference of default hotkeys/keyboard-shortcuts that can be used in Maya 2011 from Autodesk, which is a leading software product used for 3D modeling and animation. Although Maya is a commercial product, a free 30-day trial is available, and the Autodesk Education Community also makes the software available for free to eligible individuals, such as students and faculty members. The shortcuts cover various aspects of the user interface, manipulator tools, full-body inverse-kinematics (FBIK) effectors, selection and editing of vertices, edges, faces, polygons, and more.

Autodesk Maya Hotkeys and Shortcuts

Note: Maya’s hotkeys are case sensitive, such that you may need to hold down the Shift key for some keyboard shortcuts. For example, the p-key and P-key shortcuts have exactly the opposite effect on parent associations.
Hotkey Description Category
a Fit all in active panel (with marking menu) Modeling Panel
A Change the cameras to frame all objects in all views Window
Ctrl + a Open the Attribute Editor or swap with Channel Box Miscellaneous
Alt + a Toggle wireframe on or off Artisan
Alt + A Decrement the center of a 3D fluid sub-container and use the Show Manipulator tool on a fluid to view a sub-container Fluid Effects
b Activate modify upper brush radius, or modify paint effects brush scale Brush Tools
B Activate modify lower brush radius, or modify paint effects brush size Brush Tools
Ctrl + b Edit the brush settings that will be applied to subsequent strokes (i.e., template brush) Paint Effects
Alt + b Cycle the background color from dark to light Display
c Toggle snap-to-curve (same as C) Status Line
C Toggle snap-to-curve (same as c) Status Line
Ctrl + c Copy the selected object(s) Edit
Ctrl + Alt + c Copy vertex skin weights Artisan
Alt + c Toggle color-feedback on or off Artisan
d Enter tool edit-mode (same as Insert) Tools
D Duplicate with Transform Edit
Ctrl + d Duplicate the selected object(s) Edit
Ctrl + D Duplicate the selected object(s), special mode Edit
Alt + d Set keys on FBIK-related joints and effectors using the keying-mode “all” Animate
Alt + D Delete construction history on selected object(s) Edit
e Rotate tool with snap marking menu (pop down when released) Tools
E Set key for Rotate Animate
Alt + e Toggle Rotate pinned-state on selected effectors (FBIK) Skeleton
f Fit selection in active panel Modeling Panel
F Change the cameras to frame selected object(s) in all views Window
Ctrl + f Set keys on FBIK-related joints and effectors Animate
Alt + f Flood with the current value (surfaces) Artisan
g Repeat last Edit
G Repeat last action at current mouse-position Miscellaneous
Ctrl + g Group the selected object(s) Edit
Alt + g Increase HyperGraph depth-traversal Window
h UI menu-bar tab switcher marking menu (pop down when released) Miscellaneous
H Show all selected objects Display
Ctrl + h Hide the selected object(s) Display
Ctrl + H Show the last hidden item Display
Alt + h Hide all objects that are not selected Display
i Activate insert-key mode (tool) Tools
I Isolate select Miscellaneous
Ctrl + i Select the next intermediate object Miscellaneous
j Move, Rotate, Scale and Show manipulator-tool toggle snap-mode Modify
J Toggle relative snap-mode of Move, Rotate and Scale tool Modify
Alt + j Toggle multi-color feedback on or off Artisan
k Activate virtual Time Slider, i.e., “dragger tool” (deactivate when released) Tools
l Lock distance between CVs on selected curve(s) Edit Curves
m Activate modify maximum displacement, or modify paint effect surface offset Brush Tools
M Toggle panel menu-bar visibility Miscellaneous
Ctrl + m Toggle main menu-bar visibility Miscellaneous
Ctrl + M Toggle model editor bar visibility Miscellaneous
Alt + m Hotbox display style: rows visible (i.e., full hotbox) Miscellaneous
n Activate modify paint-value Artisan
Ctrl + n Create a new scene File
o Polygon brush operation (with marking menu) Artisan
Ctrl + o Open a scene File
p Parent the selected object(s) to the last selected object Edit
P Disassociate parent for the selected object(s) Edit
q Select tool options marking menu (pop down when released) Tools
Q Select tool component marking menu (pop down when released) Tools
Ctrl + q Quit File
Alt + q Select tool polygon marking menu (pop down when released) Tools
r Scale tool with snap marking menu (pop down when released) Tools
R Set key for Scale Animate
Ctrl + r Create a reference File
Alt + r Toggle reflection on or off Artisan
s Select object(s) to key Animate
S Key-frame and tangent marking menu Animate
Ctrl + s Save the current scene File
Alt + s Toggle both Translate and Rotate pinned-states on selected effectors (FBIK) Skeleton
Alt + S Increment the center of a 3D fluid sub-container and use the Show Manipulator tool on a fluid to view a sub-container Fluid Effects
t Show manipulator tool Tools
T Create and assign a shader (material) to the selected objects Lights and Shading
Ctrl + t Universal Manipulator: Select any object(s) Modify
Alt + t Decrease HyperGraph depth-traversal Window
u Maya artisan operation (with marking menu) Artisan
U Activate artisan sculpt-ref UV-vector screen-slider Artisan
v Toggle snap-to-point (same as V) Status Line
V Toggle snap-to-point (same as v) Status Line
Ctrl + v Paste selection Edit
Ctrl + Alt + v Paste vertex skin weights Artisan
Alt + v Toggle playback on or off Playback Controls
Alt + V Go to “min” frame Miscellaneous
w Translate tool with snap marking menu (pop down when released) Tools
W Set key for Translate Animate
Ctrl + w Select objects or components to modify with a curve-based fall-off Modify
Alt + w Toggle Translate pinned-state on selected effectors (FBIK) Skeleton
Ctrl + x Cut selection Edit
Alt + x Set keys on FBIK-related joints and effectors using the keying-mode “body part” Animate
x Toggle snap-to-grid (same as X) Status Line
X Toggle snap-to-grid (same as x) Status Line
y Non-sacred tool Tools
z Undo the last action (same as Ctrl+z) Edit
Z Redo the last undone action Edit
Ctrl + z Undo the last action (same as z) Edit
F1 Opens online table-of-contents in an HTML browser Help
F2 Show animation User Interface (UI) Application
F3 Show polygons UI Application
F4 Show surfaces UI Application
F5 Show dynamics UI Application
F6 Show rendering UI Application
F8 Toggle object or component editing (mode) Status Line
F9 Select polygon and subdivision surface vertices (mask) Status Line
Ctrl + F9 Convert selection to selected vertices Polygon Select
Alt + F9 Select polygon vertex faces (mask) Status Line
F10 Select polygon and subdivision surface edges Status Line
Ctrl + F10 Convert selection to selected edges Polygon Select
F11 Select polygon and subdivision surface faces (mask) Status Line
Ctrl + F11 Convert selection to selected faces Polygon Select
F12 Select polygon and subdivision-surface UVs Status Line
Ctrl + F12 Convert selection to selected UV-components Polygon Select
0 Default polygon display quality setting Miscellaneous
1 Low quality display setting Miscellaneous
Alt + 1 Set reach to 0 when keying FBIK related effectors (FK option) Animate
2 Medium quality display setting Miscellaneous
Alt + 2 Reach will not be keyed when keying FBIK-related effectors (simple option) Animate
3 High quality display setting Miscellaneous
Alt + 3 Set reach to 1 when keying FBIK-related effectors (IK option) Animate
4 Wireframe display Modeling Panel
Alt + 4 Set keys on FBIK-related joints and effectors using the keying-mode “selected” Animate
5 Shaded display Modeling Panel
Alt + 5 Toggle visibility of FBIK Forward-Kinematics (FK) skeleton Skeleton
6 Shaded and textured display Modeling Panel
7 Turn on light display Modeling Panel
8 Open Paint Effects panel Paint Effects
- Decrease manipulator size Manipulator
, Go to previous key Playback Controls
Ctrl + , Previous skin-paint mode Artisan
Alt + , Move backward a single frame in time Playback Controls
. Go to next key Playback Controls
Ctrl + . Next skin-paint mode Artisan
Alt + . Move forward a single frame in time Playback Controls
/ Activate pick-color mode Artisan
\ Toggle camera 2D pan and zoom Display
[ Previous view Edit
] Next view Edit
` Switch the Select, Translate/Move, Rotate or Scale tool-tweak mode on or off (when pressed or released, respectively) Modify
Ctrl + ` Toggle the display of smoothing shapes Display
Alt + ` Create subdivision surface Subdiv Surfaces
{ Display previous view-arrangement in view history Window
} Display next view-arrangement in view history Window
~ Display both smoothing shapes Display
Ctrl + ~ Add polygons to the selected proxy objects Polygons
Alt + ~ Create subdivision surface options Subdiv Surfaces
+ Increase manipulator size (same as =) Manipulator
= Increase manipulator size (same as +) Manipulator
< Shrink the selected region along the polygon surface Polygon Select
> Grow the selected region along the polygon surface Polygon Select
Space Show or hide the hotbox (when pressed or released, respectively) Hotbox
Ctrl + Space Toggle all the UI elements Display
Return Complete current tool (for example, connect first and last vertices in polygon create tool) Tools
Insert Enter tool edit mode (same as d) Tools
Page-Down Decrease smoothing-level for object Display
Ctrl + Page-Down Walk out within the current hierarchy Miscellaneous
Page-Up Increase smoothing-level for object Display
Ctrl + Page-Up Walk in within the current hierarchy Miscellaneous
Left Walk left in the current hierarchy Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Left Display next image (render view) Window
Alt + Left Move left a single pixel Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Alt + Left Spin selected polygon edges backwards Edit Mesh
Right Walk right in the current hierarchy Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Right Display previous image (render view) Window
Alt + Right Move right a single pixel Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Alt + Right Spin selected polygon edges forwards Edit Mesh
Up Walk up the current hierarchy Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Up Coarser subdivision level Subdiv Surfaces
Alt + Up Move up a single pixel Miscellaneous
Down Walk down the current hierarchy Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Down Subdivision create region Subdiv Surfaces
Alt + Down Move down a single pixel Miscellaneous
Ctrl + Shift + click on menu item Add an existing menu item to the current Shelf Shelf

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